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Nice, little game. :) I've only noticed 2 bugs but you've lost your data anyways so I guess that information won't be useful to you anymore.

1. Sometimes pressing the down key won't work while standing up so the teacher is going to catch you.

2. If you keep your pants down during the tutorial there won't be any interruptions so it's really easy to win the game like that. X)


I'm not sure if I won when the classroom blacked out and the clown appeared on the screen, anyways, a decent game. I hope to see similiar thing in the future

It depends on what your goal is. If you are disrupting the class, this is the will of the demon clown of chaos. If his will is done, he breaks into the world and kills everyone. If the teacher yells at you, it brings order, which is the opposite of chaos and makes him retreat, thus saving the class. Was it your goal to kill everyone or to save them?
